About Us
Youth Enterprise Development Fund
The Government recognizes that empowering the youth is critical to enable them to reach their full potential and drive the attainment of development goals articulated in the Kenya Vision 2030 blueprint, the Big Four Agenda, and the Kenya Youth Development Policy 2019. Their empowerment is equally essential in enabling the country to realize her international obligations, which include the United Nations Strategy for the youth (2014), African Union Agenda (2063), and SDGs (2030).
Unemployment, underemployment, lack of employable skills, poor health, insufficient socio-economic support, drug use and substance abuse, and limited access to ICT, especially for those in difficult-to-reach areas, are some of the obstacles hindering youth from attaining their full potential and contributing to the country’s development process..
More About Us
Who We Are
Background Information
Board Of Directors
Senior Management
Regional Offices
Rapid Results Initiative
The Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF) was established through the Public Financial Management Act (The Youth Enterprise Development Fund) Regulations (2006), Legal Notice No. 167/2006, to champion the creation of employment for youth through enterprise development. In 2007, the Fund was transformed into a State Corporation under the then Ministry of State for Youth Affairs, vide Youth Enterprise Development Fund Legal Order No. 63 of 2007. The Fund is currently domiciled at the State Department for Youth Affairs and the Creative Economy. The Fund is one of the measures the government has put in place to promote employment creation for the youth. It is a flagship project of the Kenya Vision 2030 under the Social Pillar. The Youth Fund is tasked with promoting enterprise development as a critical strategy for increasing economic opportunities and youth participation in nation-building.
Our Vision
Economically empowered Kenyan youth running sustainable enterprises.
Our Mission
To increase economic opportunities for, and participation of, Kenyan youth in job creation through innovative, affordable financing, enterprise development, and strategic partnership
Core Values
The Fund endeavors uphold the following core values to ensure effective and efficient service delivery:
Customer focus: The Fund is committed to consultation and participation to ensure responsiveness to the needs and aspirations of the Kenyan youth.
Creativity and innovation: The Fund endeavors to cultivate and promote a culture of adopting technological driven ideas and processes that create new value in the delivery of services to the Kenyan youth.
Equity and fairness: The Fund is driven by fairness and impartiality in service provision to all.
Professionalism: The Fund will adhere to a prescribed code of conduct and standards in the discharge of duties.
Integrity and accountability: The Fund will observe high moral, and ethical standards as well as transparency in service provision.
Our Mandates
- Provide loans to youth owned enterprises
- Provide market support to youth enterprises
- Facilitate youth enterprises to develop linkages with large enterprises
- Provide trading premises and worksites
- Provide business development services to youth owned enterprises
- Facilitate youth to obtain jobs abroad
Our Beneficiaries
- Youth aged 18 to 34 years
- Youth aged 18 to 34 years
- Those running businesses and wish to expand
- Youth looking for markets and other business development services
- Youth looking for jobs abroad
Our Loan Products
- Stawi loan Shs. 100,000- 1Million
- Smart loan Shs. 25,000 – 200,000
- Vuka Start up Shs. 100,000 – 500,000
- Vuka Expansion Shs. 100,000 – 5Million
- Vuka Asset Financing Shs. 100,000 – 5Million
- Salaried Shs. 50,000 – 1Million
- Savings-based Shs. 50,000 – 1Million
- Agri – Bizz Shs. 100,000 – 5Million
- Talanta Shs. 100,000 – 2Million
- LPO/LSO Shs. 100,000 – 5Million
- Vijana Baharia Shs. 100,000 – 200,000
- I. Loans
- II. Enterprise development
The Youth Fund provides entrepreneurship training and appropriate Business Development Services to youth engaging in business to ensure that they have adequate skills and can identify and tap into business opportunities while embracing modern business management techniques. The department also provides a mandatory pre-financing training programme to enhance the sustainability of youth enterprises.
How to access Youth Fund services
- • Visit your respective county headquarters
- • Pick a loan application form, fill and attach the required documents
- • Return the form to the same offices
- • The officer will guide you on all other necessary steps (vetting, training, how to repay)
- • The loan money is deposited into the bank account of the applying group or company
- • Ensure the loan is used for the intended purpose it was applied for
- • All loans must be repaid within the stipulated time